When diving into UGC and taking your passion for creating content and turning that love for creating content into a business takes time, patience, and most importantly the right mindset!

This includes being open to new ideas and being willing to experiment with different formats and styles. Not every style works for every creator and it will take time to find the right fit for you which may not be the same niche(s) you started with. I started in the tech, toys, and gadgets niche, but some of my most successful brand deals have come from lifestyle and finance which I would have never imagined.

Patience is also essential in your UGC career, especially when starting out. I did not land my 1st UGC deal until 2 months in and that was only a $75 deal for 1 video. Sure, I’ve seen other creators land deals in the 1st or 2nd week, but that is not the norm. Building a loyal audience takes time as does getting noticed by brands.

It’s important not to get discouraged if your content doesn’t immediately get a lot of traction or get noticed. Consistency is key, and by consistently producing high-quality content, you will slowly build an audience that trusts and values your work and brands will take notice! The more you create, the more fine-tuning of your craft you will do which will come across in your content.

UGC is NOT a get rich quick scheme. Being successful in UGC is a long-term process that requires patience and the right mindset. If you keep these things in mind, you’ll be well on your way to flourishing in your UGC career and build that loyal brand following and the money that comes with it! You got this!